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Masterton District Council’s Draft Asset or Activity Management Plans (AMPs) have been reviewed alongside the development of the Council’s Long Term Plan 2018-28.
AMPs set out a 10-year programme for the management of specific groups of assets. The documents are reviewed cyclically (typically at least every three years) to ensure they remain relevant.
AMPs cover the following areas:
Water Supply - We provide treated water that is safe to drink to over 9,000 properties in the Masterton district, via an effective, economic, and secure distribution system. We also ensure that there is adequate capacity and pressure for firefighters.
Roading - We provide a safe and efficient local transport network throughout the Masterton district. This involves the construction, management and maintenance of road, street and footpath networks including pavements, bridges, traffic services, on and off-street parking and streetlights.
Stormwater - We provide stormwater systems, including the use of natural channels and streams, to collect and dispose of surface water run-off from residential, commercial, and industrial properties in the urban area. The stormwater system in rural areas is primarily open drains.
Parks and Open Spaces - Our parks, reserves and sports fields provide recreational opportunities for residents and visitors, while also protecting, preserving, and enhancing the natural environment.
Properties and Facilities - We provide and support a wide range of facilities throughout the district for use by the community. Including Libraries, Archives, Swimming, Housing, Sports venues, Rural halls, Hood Airport and Civic facilities.
Solid Waste - We provide a reliable, environmentally safe, and cost-effective waste collection and disposal service. We also work to promote the adoption of sustainable waste minimisation practices.
Wastewater - We provide an efficient and safe system that collects, treats, and disposes of wastewater which drains from toilet, baths, sinks, washing machines and dishwashers. This service is provided to approximately 9,218 residential, commercial, and industrial properties in the urban area, Waingawa industrial area, Riversdale, Castlepoint and Tinui.
Waste Management Minimisation Plan - Our key focus for this plan is to reduce the total quantity of waste sent to class 1 landfills from 600kg to 400kg per person per annum by 2026. We are confident that with residents, businesses and councils working together we can become ‘waste free’.
Wellington Region Waste Assessment - This Waste Assessment has been prepared for the territorial authorities of the Wellington region in accordance with the requirements of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 (WMA). This document provides background information and data to support the constituent Councils’ waste management and minimisation planning process.