Fair Go Recycling Story
For the Record
Fair Go is running a story on recycling, due to air in February. Here’s what they asked all councils, and our responses:
- Does your council provide Public Place recycling bins? Yes.
- If so, are the bins for mixed recycling (comingled), or are there separate streams for glass/plastic/paper/food/tins, plus a bin for landfill? Our public bins include separate bins for mixed recycling, glass, and general rubbish (for landfill).
- What is your estimate of the percentage of recycling contamination? 5-10%
- What is your estimate of the percentage of the collected recycled material that ends up in landfill? Less than 5%
- What is the cost per tonne of recycling achieved through Public Place recycling? Not measured.
- What is the cost per tonne of recycling achieved through home recycling schemes? Not measured. Each household pays $89 per year to receive kerbside collection for recycling.
- Do you have any comments you would like to make about the best way forward for recycling in public? We provide separate glass and general recycling bins to households and provide regular kerbside pick-up of household recycling. We encourage their use at homes across our district, and welcome correct use of the publicly provided recycling bins by visitors to our community facilities where these bins are provided.